Little Sandy Pond - Buck Island Road - West Yarmouth - Cape Cod

See Saw Yarmouth MA

Play Area Little Sandy Pond

Splash Pad Little Sandy Pond

Boat Play House Yarmouth Ma

Swings West Yarmouth MA

Chimes West Yarmouth MA

Climbing Yarmouth MA

Music Area Little Sandy Pond Playground

Play Area Yarmouth MA

Play Ground LIttle Sandy Pond Yarmouth MA

Playing Fields Little Sandy Pond

Rest Rooms Little Sandy Pond

Picnic Table Little Sandy Pond

Parent Seating Little Sandy Pond

A beautiful, new, well designed playground, with two sections, one for 2-5 year olds and one for 5-12 year olds. Numerous activities including several sound activities. Rubber surface and full accessibility. Boat play house made of resin wood. Pleasant area. Rest room facilities. Plenty of seating for parents. Splash pad. Picnic tables. Hiking trails to Little Sandy Pond. Several large athletic fields. Tennis courts. Basketball courts. Plenty of parking. Bike racks.  Very small freshwater beach area.

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